Our Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real has a large Latino population, so it is important for us, as clergy and lay people, to know ICE’s (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) function in Monterey County. That way, our pastoral care will be more effective for our Latino people in our churches, and society.
I hope you have the time to join us in this conversation with Sheriff Bernal and Supervisor Parker.
This coming weekend (November 12-15) we will have our DIOS ES AMOR Cursillo. I invite our congregations and Cursillistas to send us PALANCA for our candidates and workers. You may send the PALANCAS to our church’s e-mail, and I will make sure “DIOS ES AMOR” cursillo will receive your PALANCAS and Prayers. Thanks Martin Juarez sanpabloseaside@gmail.com
Art in the Pastures of Heaven is an annual event featuring premier local artists from Monterey Bay and Salinas areas. Enjoy your opportunity to bid on great art, sample California wines and enjoy a Fall evening in the beautiful location in heaven’s pastures.
The Monterey Deanery will next meet on May 31, 2014, at St. John’s, Monterey. The Rev. Bob Ott, Deanery Convener, has released the following agenda for the meeting.
Welcome and Opening Prayers – Bob Ott
General Announcements – Richard Smith
Self-introductions (who you are and where you are from)
Deanery Reports:
Board of Trustees
Standing Committee
Deanery Web site
Parish Report-All Saints –Cristo Rey – The Rev. Michael Dresbach
Deanery Outreach Program - Bob Ott
ESL- San Pablo- Seaside - Fr. Martin
Episcopal Campus ministry - Fr. John
Trinity, Gonzales - Robin Denny
Class on Website Access – Jeff Diehl
Stewardship – Stewardship Commission
Listening Tours
Tens Webcast
Finance Committee- draft report – Bob Ott
Diocesan Communications – Elrond Lawrence
Lunch (around Noon - wherever we are on the schedule) Bring your own lunch
We will eat while we meet-
Announcements- by Individual Parishes – Blaine Hammond
Next Meeting: September 27- St. Philip’s ScottsValley
From December 2013 through March 2014, Christian pastor John Mabry went on a most amazing pilgrimage—to visit the most significant sites of the Buddha’s life, and to reflect deeply on what he saw, in conversation with his own faith. From there, his journey took him to Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan, and back to India as he followed the distribution and development of Buddhism around the world. Part travelogue, part history lesson, part comparative theological reflection, this lecture will recount highlights from his pilgrimage, revealing both the frailty and profundity of the human religious quest.
What if God is less person than process? What if God is growing and changing as the universe grows and changes? What if God needs us as much as we need God? What if nothing exists except actions? Welcome to the mind-bending world of Process Theology. In this lecture, Pastor and professor John Mabry leads us through the history of this theology in the West, focusing on the insights of its major trailblazers and visionaries. Along the way we’ll discover that reality is far weirder than we think it is, and solve some major theological puzzles along the way.
The Rev. John R. Mabry is a United Church of Christ pastor currently serving Grace North Church in Berkeley and Our Redeemer Lutheran in Oakland. He is the director of the Interfaith Spiritual Direction Certificate Program at the Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley, and also teaches world religions and spiritual guidance at a number of Bay Area schools. He lives with his wife and dogs in Oakland and sings for the progressive rock band Mind Furniture.
Cost: $15 per lecture, $25 for both lectures
Cash or checks payable to Calvary Episcopal Church
Reservations: Call the church office at 831-423-8787 Download the event flyer.
The Monterey Deanery will next meet on March 22, 2014, at St. George’s, Salinas. The Rev. Bob Ott, Deanery Convener, has released the following agenda for the meeting.
Welcome and Opening Prayers - Richard Smith
General Announcements - Blaine Hammond
Self-introductions (who you are and where you are from)
Deanery Reports:
Board of Trustees
Standing Committee
Deanery Web site
Parish Report- St. Paul’s, Salinas – The Rev. Jim Ezell
Deanery Outreach Program - Bob Ott & Diocesan Staff
Stewardship Commission – Charles Greenleaf
Lunch (around Noon - wherever we are on the schedule) Bring your own lunch
We will eat while we meet-
Announcements- by Individual Parishes – Richard Smith
The meeting opened with Morning Prayer led by the Rev. Blaine Hammond.
Board of Trustees – Win Fernald briefly reported on the Bishop’s Appeal which is going well. The Department of Higher Education committee has been formed with representatives from each campus ministry. The Board also discussed the congregations which are in the process of merging. There are also some serious issues facing congregations in south Monterey County. Mission House will be moving to Salinas.
Standing Committee – The Rev. Richard Leslie reported that the Committee will be meeting with Bishop Mary for their Mutual Ministry Review next week. Richard is terming off the Standing Committee and Monterey Deanery will not have representation on the Committee. Nominations for diocesan office are due September 26.
Treasurer – The Deanery treasurer has resigned because of time conflicts. The Deanery elected Dottie Fuller as treasurer.
Secretary – No report.
Website – Jeff Diehl reported that the website is rolling along. Please send in announcements to be posted on the website.
Commission on Children and Youth - The Monterey Deanery elected Bettina McBee Hohmann (St. John’s, Monterey) and Louis Powell (All Saints’, Carmel) to serve this commission. In addition, we provisionally elected Michelle Gagon-Smith (Good Shepherd) to serve on the commission as a young adult member.
Budget Presentation – Richard Mueller, Joanna Shreve, the Rev. David Breuer, and the Rev. Canon Brian Nordwick.
The budget process has not changed much over the years. Budget requests this year exceeded projected income by $90,000. The diocese is in the best financial shape since the market meltdown in 2008. The proposed budget and narrative budget are available for review.
Resolutions (as of today) – Nancy Cohen, Chancellor.
Resolutions are due September 9 and the official proposals will be released shortly after that date. In the meantime, the following summarizes proposed changes to El Camino Real’s Canons:
Resolutions to revise various sections of canons to change ex officio members of committees to “invited guests.”
Resolution to allow the Bishop to appoint from another deanery if a specific deanery cannot elect a representative to Department of Mission.
Resolution to remove chaplains as members of Department of Higher Education to eliminate perceived conflict of interest. Chaplains will still be invited guests.
Resolution to define membership in merged congregations.
Resolution to clarify language in change of parish status canons.
Additionally, an annual minimum compensation for clergy resolution and a resolution on State of Stewardship Commitment have been received.
Partnership News – the Rev. Canon Brian Nordwick.
Brian reported on the kick-off of this year’s scholarship program in the Diocese of Western Tanganyika. We funded over 560 students last year with $30,000. The benefits of the program reach beyond just the children to include the families and the life of the communities in which they live.
Father Fred from the Diocese of Western Tanganyika will be arriving in El Camino Real in the second week of September through diocesan convention where he will be the preacher. Congregations and deaneries are encouraged to schedule events or Bible study with Father Fred in their local areas. Father Fred is Dean of the Bible College Tanzania and has served in the administrative role in DWT.
Bishop’s Presentation - Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves
The Bishop gave a presentation on how community organizing principles can be used to bring groups together to meet common goals. She used the metaphor of creating enough productive friction so that separate groups could start a fire together.
Next meeting in February 2014 at St. George’s.
Monterey Deanery delegates gather at Epiphany, Marina, on September 7, 2013.
The diocesan finance committee presents the proposed 2014 budget.
Brian Nordwick updates deanery delegates on our partnership with the Diocese of Western Tanganyika.
Bishop Mary gives a presentation on community organizing.
The Monterey Deanery will next meet on September 7, 2013, at 10am at Epiphany Lutheran and Episcopal Church in Marina. The Rev. Bob Ott, Deanery Co-Convener has released an agenda for the meeting and Canon Brian Nordwick has distributed the following documents related to the presentation of the proposed 2014 diocesan budget:
According to Canon Nordwick, there are very few changes in the proposed budget from that of our current year budget. Delegates will have an opportunity to hear an informal presentation of the budget and ask questions of the Budget Advisory Committee members that are present at each deanery presentation. Please bring copies of these documents to the meeting so that you can refer to them.
Dates and locations for other deanery meetings are:
SLO Deanery – Sunday August 25th – St. Luke’s Atascadero @ 1pm
Santa Clara Deanery – Saturday September 14th – Location TBD – 10am